Frequent questions
What does the acronym PoC stand for?
PoC (or Push to Talk Over cellular) means “Push and Talk” over the data network of the cellular system. It is similar to a walkie-talkie feature that is provided with a typical “push and talk” connection that connects almost instantly. This has the advantage of having a faster and more secure connection than traditional radio, analog, digital (DMR) systems or cellular systems themselves.
Do Serial PoC Radios Use Legacy Frequencies?
Our PoC radios do not use traditional licensed frequencies such as VHF, UHF and HF, they work on the platforms of private telephone and Wi-Fi operators.
What is the range of your PoC radios?
In short, anywhere. Serial’s PoC radios work anywhere there is wireless data coverage (cellular network) or Wi-Fi. We use national and international operators that provide wide and stable coverage.
Where will these PoC radios work?
We leverage existing broadband, Wi-Fi (wireless) and data networks to transmit voice over the Internet. As long as you are in data coverage range, the radios will work.
Can my employees make personal phone calls?
No, the radios are programmed only to communicate with each other with other radios, with computers, tablets and mobile applications, making it the PoC format of Serial.
Can I see where my employees are?
Yes, each Serial PoC radio also works as a GPS tracker, you can see where your employees are at any time in real time, their starts, routes and final destination.
How long can I keep the recording and how do I listen to it?
Serial has an application in our system that allows you to save voice files for a maximum of three (3) months and this data can be heard from the dispatcher or the mobile application (.APK)
Do the radios have a warranty?
All our PoC Serial radios have a 24-month warranty on parts and services, we have a certified communications laboratory. We have all kinds of accessories and spare parts available in our company.
Can I talk to a group of radios, or just one in private?
Yes, you can talk in groups, subgroups and different types of private communications.
What about office communication with field staff?
We have coverage with our Serial PoC radio installed base. Digital dispatcher with trunk format for the Serial system, installed on your PC, which can have direct communication with voice and mini messages, communicating with your staff in the workplace.
Do I have to use my own SIM card?
We provide the complete solution, for a low monthly fee; radios, wireless data and everything else. When they receive their radios, they are ready to go. Turn them on, squeeze and talk.
Can my drivers use radios when driving?
It’s safe to use our Serial radios, as users don’t have to look at the screen, or dial a number, or view the channels, just press and talk.
Is there a panic or emergency button on the radios?
Yes, all of our Serial PoC radios can be programmed with a panic (SOS) button, which when pressed will alert your dispatch center of the alert, as well as the location.
What frequency does the Serial PoC radio work on?
Serial Radios are compatible with UMTS 1900/850 MHZ (WCDMA/HSDPA) and LTE FDD B2/4/5/12/17 bands (US/EU carriers) and Wifi.
Can my employees' conversations be recorded?
Yes, with Serial all our PoC radios record the voice of all the radios in the dispatcher and in the mobile application.
What if my PoC radio is lost or stolen?
Serial has a state of the art protocol to disable Serial radios, consequently they will be locked and cannot be activated on any other system or platform, or immediately get the location on their last event.